Friday 8 April 2016

Nuri: A Light That Shines

 I encourage you to listen to the song above, and understand its lyrics while reading to be able to better understand the part of the short story written in italic. Thank you. 

 Nuri, the dreamer and passionate, the one with preserved innocence that she had embraced not because it was all she knows, but because she has seen it all. Nuri was raised from the godforsaken depths of loneliness where her only company was the echo in her mind, like a solitary traveler lost in a cave, to breathe once again. 

  Nuri, once filled with life and energy, a fearless soul and an indomitable spirit has set sail in the sea of love with cheap wood and thin arms. She thought she could never get hurt, and given the innocence she's always had she blindly trusted the good in others. Given the pure heart she is, she thought everyone else was just like her. She used to always tell herself that she was smart enough to stay safe from the bone crushing waves of heartbreak, a lie she told herself to keep herself calm in the frontlines of danger. But then the heartbreak came, and the person she loved with all her heart has so coldly left her alone to drown. It was like an awakening slap that reminded her of how amateur she was at sailing, how much of a stranger she was to suffering. Her heart was left like a city struck with a storm and abandoned, where the sun shines on the silence that follows to find no one.

  A whole year passes, and Nuri is still struggling with all what she has of power in her weakened body, struggling with the bitterly cold echo in her head that demeans her beauty and makes her, one of the most beautiful you can ever know, believe that she is nothing of worth. Nuri was in war with her own thoughts, her back against the wall and her happiness in the hand of that dreaded voice in her head. Everything about Nuri has changed by now, except one thing. That she was indomitable, refusing to give in. Her courage has set her sailing again into finding that thread of light in the darkness that can guide her to safety once again, she continued to sail like a maniac till it was only a matter of time that she finds the light. She started realizing that it was not her fault that she was left like that and bit by bit she started seeing herself in an all anew shade. She started appreciating how rare and beautiful of a heart she has, how brave and courageous of a soul she possesses and how she was the good person throughout. She started treating herself kindly as the magic of time healed her cuts and bruises, she promised herself that she will start focusing on building a life of ambition and potential so that her happiness and feeling of self-worth will never fall again in the hands of another person. She started dreaming, and her dreams multiplied her beauty in the eyes of those who see her speaking passionately about them, with a spark in her shy and captivating eyes. Her lively and energetic self has started to come back, she has even started explaining to her dad her new perspective on life. Her dad could not hold in his happiness, and started to cry.

 Nuri glows now as bright as ever, like a star whose light carries on endlessly even after its death. Nuri has only become a stronger person, but still innocent and golden-hearted just because she chose to let go of whatever pain that has been inflicted on her from the filth of others. She refuses to become a mirror image of the person who left her, or a mirror image of whatever ugliness there is in this world. She understands that she was born to live with a pure heart, to become a savior of the heartbroken and a warrior against injustice, she now knows that it is not just anyone who is worthy of this heart of hers.

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