Thursday 22 October 2015

Nuri: a Hymn To The Sensitive.

 Nuri is a girl who is known to feel so strongly, to an extent that she can be described as a human with her heart in her hands. Nothing covers this heart of hers from her external world, she feels every single thing as it is, sometimes amplified to hightened levels no one can imagine but another human of her equivalent. Every word, every action, every energy or even the slightest change of behaviour of another person penetrates straight into her heart. Nuri is the kind of girl who walks shyly with her shopping cart on the right side of a hall in her local supermarket, so that no one will feel discomfort because of her and who pauses her whole life for a stray cat crying for help. Nuri prays for days on end for a person that was involved in an accident she saw from far away three weeks ago. She feels the sun rays breaking its way through the branches, before they encounter her face with the warmth of the spring day and stands on a rock by the shore as a storm breaks through the sea and the waves start shaking her on the rock she's standing on. Nuri feels as free as the leaf that falls down in autumn, as happy as the rose that opens up in the spring and as outrageous as the waves splattering chaotically in every direction in the midst of the winter. Nuri is driven with passion, and meaning to her life is like the air she breathes. Most probably sixty five percent of her time is spent pondering on the meaning of her life. She enjoys every moment of pride like a king standing on the ruins of a city he conquered, and tortures herself for every moment of shame like the whole world was standing before her as she got embarrassed. She's the same person who may not sleep at night thinking about an awkward moment she had with a stranger, or a failed encounter with a person she likes. She might also feel superbly annoyed when she chooses the wrong flavour of ice cream, it might not leave her mind for an hour or so. Nuri, is a highly compassionate and misunderstood person, an activist for the heart-broken and the forgotten, a flame of passion that lights the lives of those she knows with inspiration.